The guys go see a long movie about walking and a talking dragon.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Movie Bites 12-10-13
Josh is a lonely man...
Hey! It's another movie Bites episode! Recorded while there was nothing to see, we talk about cartoons, ladies, religion (sort of) and some other junk. Listen, it'll be a hoot!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Thor: The Dark World review podcast
We wanted to review this earlier but just couldn't find the spare cash to see it. So it's a bit late but here is our review for Thor 2!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Catching Fire Review Podcast
The 75 annual Hunger Games? There were only two movies, I think we missed a few... In any case, the guys site down and talk about the second book made into a second movie. Should be sexy fun time had by all.
3 stars,
Catching Fire,
Hunger Games,
Jennifer Lawrence,
Peeta Bread,
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Movie Bites and Top Ten Children's Movie Podcasts
Movie Bites
We recorded this back in May, and I just never got around to doing anything with it. Movie Bits is an idea we had where we just talk about stuff, try to keep it film related but usually fail. We may do more of these in the future, but for now enjoy this little flash back into a time when we were still doing our kick starter and enjoying the summer movie season.
Top Ten Children's Movies
It’s our list of Top Ten Children’s Movies! And it’s an actual top ten. In this 30 minute episode, we discus our picks for the list and talk about adult things. The podcast version of the episode has an added in ten minutes of extra dialog and jokes!
Episode 37 - Top Ten Children's Movies
Episode 37 - Top Ten Children's Movies
Friday, November 8, 2013
Despicable Me 2 Review Podcast
The guys are poor and have to see an older cheaper movie. A kids movie! In which we make it perverted. Go us!
Friday, November 1, 2013
CGBG Review Podcast
The guys rent an on demand before theaters release of CBGB. Great music, historic location, but does the movie hold under all that weight? Tune in and find out.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Carrie Review Podcast
This week went to go see Carrie! It was 5 bucks, we had money built up on our Stubbs card. Listen to the show for our opinions and if you should waste your time or not.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Top Ten Horror Movies
We list our Top Ten Horror Movies each. That’s 30 movies total! Holy Poop. Comment below your favorite horror movies. Watch the video or listen to the extended podcast with over 10 minutes extra!
Episode 33 - Top Ten Horror Movies
Cabin in th Woods,
Dawn of the Dead,
Dead Alive,
Event Horizen,
Nightmare On Elm Street,
Puppet Master,
The Exorcism of Emily Rose,
The Gate,
The Thing
Friday, October 11, 2013
Curse Of Chucky Review Podcast
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Movie of the Week: SLC Punk!
I'm pretty sure most people that are fans of us on Facebook have probably seen this movie, but whatever. I love the shit out of this movie. Matthew Lilard before he was in those shitty Scooby Doo movies...and Devin Sawa before he disappeared forever. This movie has the perfect mix of humor and drama. The ending is probably one of the saddest endings to a movie I've ever seen. Even thinking about it gets me all emo and sad.
I don't know, what else needs to be said about this movie? If you haven't seen it, it's probably still on Netflix. You should just check it out for yourself and decide if it's as good as I think it is. Whatever, I don't really give a shit. I think this movie is fucking great.
Friday, October 4, 2013
V/H/S/2 Video Review and Extended Podcast
We sit down and review V/H/S/2. And Spoil the Whole thing. It's a long one, bring your favorite drink!
This is the start of more video episodes!
This is the start of more video episodes!
V/H/S/2 Video Review
Or you can download the extended podcast with an added 7 minutes! And Deleted Scenes! No joke. Get it here or subscribe to our show on iTunes. Yay!
Episode 31 - V/H/S/2 Podcast
Or you can download the extended podcast with an added 7 minutes! And Deleted Scenes! No joke. Get it here or subscribe to our show on iTunes. Yay!
Episode 31 - V/H/S/2 Podcast
bloody violence,
falling to death,
grisly images,
male masturbation,
mass suicide,
private investigator,
sexual material,
The Movie Knights,
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Movie Of The Week: Joe's Apartment
"A nice guy has just moved to New York and discovers that he must share his run-down apartment with a couple thousand singing, dancing cockroaches." -
This is one of the reasons I started the Movie Of The Week segment. To remember films I loved that I've let slip from my mind. Joe's Apartment it definitely a love it or hate it film. Back when I used to watch MTV and all of it's crazy shows, and the one that started most of them, Liquid Television. Joe's Apartment is based on a short of the same name that used to air between shows. The short was cute but I never thought to much of it. Here, watch it:
Not much to it but that lead to MTV's first movie. It's a comedy, musical with singing cockroaches. I enjoyed the shit out of this movie as a kid. I was 11 when this came out, so I doubt it holds up well to anyone who did not see it when it was released. But it is a nostalgia trip for me, and I can always sing "Funky Towel" and know my sister will join in. It is not a great film by any means, nor does it do anything new or ground breaking. But it's cute, funny, and a different spin on the genre. Romance, Conflict, Bugs, and Songs. If you have an open mind and are willing to try new things, check it out. Just don't be expecting over-whelmed with feelings, or under-whelmed due to the musical part, just be whelmed by a mediocre movie that I really enjoy. 3/5 Stars.
Joe's Apartment Trailer
"Funky Towel"
Not much to it but that lead to MTV's first movie. It's a comedy, musical with singing cockroaches. I enjoyed the shit out of this movie as a kid. I was 11 when this came out, so I doubt it holds up well to anyone who did not see it when it was released. But it is a nostalgia trip for me, and I can always sing "Funky Towel" and know my sister will join in. It is not a great film by any means, nor does it do anything new or ground breaking. But it's cute, funny, and a different spin on the genre. Romance, Conflict, Bugs, and Songs. If you have an open mind and are willing to try new things, check it out. Just don't be expecting over-whelmed with feelings, or under-whelmed due to the musical part, just be whelmed by a mediocre movie that I really enjoy. 3/5 Stars.
Joe's Apartment Trailer
"Funky Towel"
Monday, September 30, 2013
Breaking Bad Series Finale Review/Series Retrospective
Ugh. Where do I even begin? In my previous write up of an episode of Breaking Bad from Season 5, I stated that this is by far my favorite show ever. Not only is that still the truth, it is absolutely the best show I have ever watched. No other show has had me this hooked, made me want more, and made me want to re watch it so damn much. I watched the finale last night, I then ended up watching the last 15 minutes before I went to sleep, and watched it again today when my Mom got home. To still get chills and goosebumps after seeing how the show ends three times, knowing EXACTLY what is going to says something about how great this show truly was.
Think about how this show starts off. You find out Walt has lung cancer. At that time he's a extremely smart family man who is doing everything he can to basically pay the bills and take care of the family. To see how much the man changed in the span of 5 seasons (or a couple years show wise...yeah. It wasn't that much time.) it's mind blowing. This show is the only show that comes to mind that I can't say "Oh, that season dragged." or "That episode was fucking AWFUL!" The only episode I can do without is The Fly. Even that episode isn't bad! Vince Gilligan is a fucking genius.
"Look at me, I'm better than you."
Not only did you see the change in Walt, you saw how much Jesse grew, how much Hank grew, how much Walt Jr. loved breakfast! What more could you want from a show? It's heartbreaking that I even have to write this...I wish this show was still on going. However, I am SO fucking thankful that they ended it how/when they did. They could have easily dragged the show out for another 3-4 seasons, but they didn't. I wish more shows would take a note from Breaking Bad and end on a high note, and not drag it out for far too long. So for that, I say thank you very much.
Now on to the episode. I thought it was an absolutely beautiful way to end Breaking Bad. First of all, I predicted a few things that were going to happen (the obvious, of course.) but even the things I predicted, I didn't come close to how they were going to happen. I was also happily surprised that my prediction of Jesse dying didn't come true. I'm so happy he made it out alive, he absolutely deserved to live on. I'm also SO fucking happy that he was the one to take out Todd...because fuck Todd.
"I hate you so much, Todd. But this picture rules."
That's another thing I'd like to touch on, the ability this show had to make you love and hate characters, and then love the characters you hate, and hate the ones that you loved. Take shows like Dexter for example. There were characters that were just SOOOOO fucking annoying and unlikable, that it made it damn near impossible to care about what was happening. It wasn't the way you'd want your audience to dislike a character, it was a "go away, why are you here?" kind of hate. Breaking Bad did it right. On they very same episode of Breaking Bad, I knew I hated Walt. But for a split second, they had me loving him and rooting for him again...but within the span of a minute they gave me a reason to hate him again...and I was like..oh yeah, Walt's a piece of shit.
But lets get back to the episode, shall we? Just seeing the final couple of days of Walt's life was fantastic. Finally hearing him admit to Skyler that he loved doing what he did, and admitting that he was good at it...that was so fucking good. Seeing him set up how he was going to kill the Skinheads was so bad ass...basically everything about this episode was great. We got closure, everything that needed to happen...happened. Walt took out anyone who could possibly continue on cooking his meth outside of his partner, Jesse. Jesse also not taking Walt's orders anymore and making Walt die slowly was a great fuck you as well.
The way Walt died was beautiful. Him alone with his babies, that's how it should have been done. The song choice was fabulous as well, it was just perfect. My guess is that Jesse goes and takes care of Brock and tries to finally live the life that he deserves. Thank you so much, Breaking Bad. No other show has made this big of an impact on me. Thankfully we all have Saul's spin-off/prequel to look forward YAAAAAAY!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Movie of the Week: Now You See Me
"An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of illusionists who pull of bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with money." IMDb
Ok, I love magic...especially card magic. I've studied it for years, and have practiced for untold hours. I like practical tricks with real decks and real sleight of hand. Or, if it's stage magic, I like seeing it because you have an idea of how it's done, but you're not absolutely sure, and that's why it's great. The movie The Prestige was the perfect representation of this. That movie would get a 5 star rating from me all day long.
Then we have this piece of shit...
I'm gonna be brief here cause I really don't feel like spending all day telling you why this movie is terrible, why it fails as a working plot, and so on and so forth. I just want make one gripe and then I'll shut up about it. You can't show me how certain practical tricks are done, and make that part of your plot working things out cause it's all a big magic trick...and then in the same scene show me tricks that are completely and utterly impossible and are clearly just movie special effects. "Oh look this rabbit was in the box the whole time cause, check out this mirror that made the box look empty! Now I'm gonna turn the rabbit into a hat and float away in a cgi bubble." Fuck you.
The only reason this is getting 2 stars out of me is because it had a good cast, and the movie was visually appealing. However the rest of the movie I find pointless and frankly kind of insulting, especially given the ending.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Derek Review
Ricky Gervais is the simple man named Derek. Netflix "new" show. Never mind that it played on the BBC first, they picked up the rights to air it stateside first. So we got 7 episodes of this show at once, as usual with Netflix. You can burn through the half hour long episodes real quick if you can sit through it that long. I made 5 before I had to stop.
Derek is about Derek Noakes, a nursing home helper and is a bit slow in the head. The show is a mockumentry style Gervais made famous with The Office. I was skeptical of how funny or how much I'd enjoy a show making fun of a mentally challenged person. But I gave it a shot. The first episode was a bit tough to get through, because I felt they were making fun of the mentally handicapped but that soon faded. While being funny, it was kind-hearted and had some genuinely sad moments, none at the expense of Derek's unnamed disability.
Defiantly not a pretty people show.
I am very much over the mochumentry style tv shows. I feel they have been over done and are generally not funny to me. Mainly because Reality TV shows are the same thing, staged/written events filmed with shaky cams and fake people talking at you. That is not to say I haven't enjoyed an episode or three of any Reality TV or mochumentry style show. I just prefer single camera narratives, shows that are like movies with big stories to tell. Derek has the over arching problem of not going anywhere fast. But is that a problem of the style or that it's a comedy? Hard to say. They do throw in a story of they have to come up with their own money to fund the nursing home but they gloss over if and never explain things.
Interesting product placement randomly thrown in.
The acting in this is generic British stand-in characters that can't exist in the real world. I have a hard time believing any of these people, aside from Derek, are real. Ricky Gervais does an outstanding job but I have yet to see why this show is around. Gervais based Derek on a character he used to do in his stand up. And the others are cardboard cutouts for him in interact with. It's been a week since I've seen it and I can't remember anyone's name.
"You can't remember my name? You dick."
Over all, I did enjoy the show. It was fun and touching all while been completely pointless. But when it comes down to it, isn't every show in some way pointless? So would I recommend it? Yes. You'll get attached to the Derek character very fast, rooting for him. You'll burn through this very fast, 30 minutes or so doesn't fill to much time. So pace yourself, and enjoy what little you are given. It's now on Netflix, give it go. 3 out of 5.
Derek is about Derek Noakes, a nursing home helper and is a bit slow in the head. The show is a mockumentry style Gervais made famous with The Office. I was skeptical of how funny or how much I'd enjoy a show making fun of a mentally challenged person. But I gave it a shot. The first episode was a bit tough to get through, because I felt they were making fun of the mentally handicapped but that soon faded. While being funny, it was kind-hearted and had some genuinely sad moments, none at the expense of Derek's unnamed disability.
Defiantly not a pretty people show.
I am very much over the mochumentry style tv shows. I feel they have been over done and are generally not funny to me. Mainly because Reality TV shows are the same thing, staged/written events filmed with shaky cams and fake people talking at you. That is not to say I haven't enjoyed an episode or three of any Reality TV or mochumentry style show. I just prefer single camera narratives, shows that are like movies with big stories to tell. Derek has the over arching problem of not going anywhere fast. But is that a problem of the style or that it's a comedy? Hard to say. They do throw in a story of they have to come up with their own money to fund the nursing home but they gloss over if and never explain things.
Interesting product placement randomly thrown in.
The acting in this is generic British stand-in characters that can't exist in the real world. I have a hard time believing any of these people, aside from Derek, are real. Ricky Gervais does an outstanding job but I have yet to see why this show is around. Gervais based Derek on a character he used to do in his stand up. And the others are cardboard cutouts for him in interact with. It's been a week since I've seen it and I can't remember anyone's name.
"You can't remember my name? You dick."
Over all, I did enjoy the show. It was fun and touching all while been completely pointless. But when it comes down to it, isn't every show in some way pointless? So would I recommend it? Yes. You'll get attached to the Derek character very fast, rooting for him. You'll burn through this very fast, 30 minutes or so doesn't fill to much time. So pace yourself, and enjoy what little you are given. It's now on Netflix, give it go. 3 out of 5.
3 stars,
Ricky Gervais,
The Office
Friday, September 20, 2013
R.I.P.D. Review Podcast
R.I.P.D.! It's like Men In Black but with a lot more suck. Another short review for you guys, coming at 33 minutes of gold. Tune in, listen, comment, and subscribe to us on iTunes! New site coming soon. I'm even more closer to it being finished.
1 star,
Jeff Bridges,
Ryan Reynolds,
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Movie Of The Week: Blah
Blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Friday, September 13, 2013
21 And Over Review
Well this is a ball of fuck. Here is our shortest review yet coming in at 23 minutes. So come listen to why you should avoid this turd that is "21 And Over."
New Website Coming Soon!
1 star,
21 and over,
american pie,
Harold and Kumar,
no one famous,
old jokes,
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Movie of the Week: Tootsie
"An unemployed actor with a reputation for being difficult disguises himself as a woman to get a role in a soap opera." IMDb
In the vast list of movies about cross-dressing, Tootsie is one of my favorites. Definitely top two...right there next to Mrs. any rate, it's way better than all the Big Momma's House movies. To Wong Foo...there's I think I've named them all now... Okay, I guess Some Like it Hot has cross dressing in it too...and Victor Victoria, but that's different...I'm getting off track.
Dammit, Sorority Boys...
Anyway, Tootsie is about a man named Michael Dorsey(Dustin Hoffman) who, while actually being a very talented actor, is also a huge pain in the ass and very difficult to work with. He had pretty much pissed off every director in town. Blacklisted I believe is the term. Even his own agent tells him that no one is willing to work with him. So, he pretty much says, "oh yeah!?" and, with no set up or warning, the immediate next shot is of Dustin Hoffman walking down a crowded street dressed as a woman. But I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself. There's a couple things I gotta fill you in about first...
So, Michael has a roommate (Bill Murray!) who is a playwright and he's got this great play that he's writing in which Michael would play the lead. But, they can't get anyone to produce it cause again, Michael is a pain in the ass. Also, there's Sandy, (Teri Garr) who Michael is running lines with for a part in a soap opera she is auditioning for...and now you're up to speed.
Now Michael, for lack of any better ideas to raise money for Bill Murray's play, puts on a dress and makeup, calls himself Dorothy Michaels, and auditions for the soap himself. Since he's a great actor, he totally pulls it off! From there, he keeps getting hit on by other male actors, he gets set up on dates with older men, he falls for his costar who is a women (Jessica Lange), but clearly she doesn't know he's a's hilarious.
I don't hand out the 4 star rating very often, but this one is a classic. It's well cast, well acted, well paced, it's silly yet realistic...Seriously I just think this movie is great, though I doubt many people my age would agree with me. This is one of those that I honesty think could be remade, and I think Robert Downey Jr should do it. I'm just throwin' it out there. It could work!
Shit, White Chicks....but fuck that, that movie Anyway, go check out Tootsie!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Breaking Bad Season 5 Episode 13 Review
Holy shit. That's basically all I could think to say after watching last nights episode of Breaking Bad. With only 3 episodes left, what the fuck else is Vince Gilligan going to throw at us? There is just so much to say about this episode, and so little time to do it...well actually, I have all the time in the world considering I'm "under employed". So yeah, let me just jump right into this shit.
So up until the last ten minutes or so, this episode was more on the funny side. Huell getting tricked into telling Hank all about Walt's money. That was soooo damn smart and funny. We had Walt Jr. getting all excited to meet Saul because he's clearly a big deal. You also had Hank outsmarting Walt! It was fantastic!! But then...shit got real.
Walt thinking he had tricked Jesse into checking up on Brock, ended up fucking himself right in the ass. The most obvious thing hadn't even crossed MY mind. Walt still CLEARLY had no idea that Jesse and Hank were working together. Hank has Jesse call Walt and act as if he had found his money and was going to burn it. Ahh, this was so beautiful. They tricked Walt into admitting pretty much all of the horrible shit he had done. Hank finally has the proof he needs to bust Walt once and for all. Walt's reaction when he sees Jesse with Hank was so damn good.
But I left out something pretty damn important. Remember last weeks episode when Walt told Todd he had a job for his Uncle? Well, Jesse was clearly the target. Walt called them to come to the desert and take care of Jesse...until he sees who he's with. At this point, Walt basically gives up. We have a great scene between Walt and Jesse that gets quite heated, and it reminds you that Walt buried the fucking money where Jesse and he had cooked for the first time! That's just silly...but in a fantastic way.
But obviously this episode couldn't end with Walt getting put away in prison. So even after Walt called off the hit, Todd and his Family show up to fuck shit up any how. Oh how badly I wanted to shit my pants at this point. We get a great "show down" kinda, and just a tense build up wondering if/when the first shot will be fired. And when that shit happened, I couldn't believe that my pants didn't have any shit in them. Seriously. Wow. Added to the fact that we have Walt screaming for them to stop, this shit was bananas.
But no, we couldn't have this resolved this week, we have to wait until next week to see what the fuck is going to happen. Thanks a bunch, ass holes! This is my guess. Jesse, Hank, and Gomez are going to bite the bullet. Walt is clearly going to get away (we see the flash forward moments where Walt has hair and comes back home for the risen.) So my guess is this. Walt comes back to avenge them all. He kills Todd with the risen by putting it in the mug that he will use after Lydia did. (The one with her lipstick...that weird fucker) He will finish off whoever else survived...and die. Yay! That's my positive happy ending to Breaking Bad. If I'm right, this shit will be documented.
With all of that being said, I just want to express how much I love this show. It is the best show I've ever watched. I know that's probably saying a lot, but nothing else comes close for me. It's the perfect show. If you have yet to watch it, you're a dummy. Do yourself a favor and get a Netflix account for a month and watch this show.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The World's End Review

We went to go see The World’s End. Another end of the world movie, as a comedy, does it hold up? How about compared to Shaun of the Dead, or Hot Fuzz, or Paul? Tune in a find out!
Episode 28 - The World's End
New Site Coming Soon.
Episode 28 - The World's End
New Site Coming Soon.
3 stars,
Edgar Wright,
Nick Frost,
Simon Pegg,
The World's End
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Movie of the Week: Tommy Boy
"An incompetent, immature, and dimwitted heir to an auto parts factory must save the business to keep it out of the hands of his new, con-artist relatives and big business." - imdb
Oh my god, I fucking love this movie. One of my all time favorites. Chris Farley is great and David Spade is his perfect counter. This movie had everything I wanted from it, a road trip, slapstick, deer vs car destruction, Dan Aykroyd, and so much more. Comedy is a hard thing to sell. Either you get it or you hate it. You can't take someone's word for it when it's based on your own sense of humor. Unless that person gets you, I mean. If you are a fan of comedy, I recommend checking out this classic. If you are not a fan of comedy, I recommend removing the stick from your ass and growing funny bone.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Olympus Has Fallen Review
"Disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack; using his inside knowledge, Banning works with national security to rescue the President from his kidnappers." -
The prequel to White House Down. Lawls. Ok, not an original joke, everyone has made that comparison but I honestly had them confused. I seriously thought it was going to be Channing Tatum guarding Morgan Freeman as president. When it began with Gerard Butler hanging out with Aaron Eckhart and Ashley Judd, I was confused for a second. And Morgan Freeman doesn't show up til a quarter of the way in.
The movie opens with the fall of Gerard's character as he fails to save the first lady in a car accident. I thought it was going to be something more, like it was caused by something but I was wrong. Now he's a desk jockey, pushing pencils for some chick. And bam, the North Koreans attack. And Gerard runs in to save the day. Saving a little boy, then the president, and over all, the world from another war. Loads of bad guys and Secret Service guys die in the process.
"Can you read this list of Chuck Norris facts, Mr. Freeman?"
There is not a whole lot to say about this movie. Is it Die Hard in the White House. It's a little smarter than your average action flick but it goes back to its rated R roots. Showing lots of blood, a swearing up the wazoo. It has a few twists in it, and some conflicts end a tad different than you except. The acting is sub-par, no one really stands out or does anything new. Loud action, quite talking. I was a little annoyed that I had to keep adjusting the volume for deafening action scenes to whispers during the dialog parts. Turning on the captions because I can't hear the actor shouldn't happen. Over all I enjoyed it, it's worth a rental. You know what you are getting with this kind of movie and you shouldn't expect much more. Check it out.
"Can you read this list of Chuck Norris facts, Mr. Freeman?"
There is not a whole lot to say about this movie. Is it Die Hard in the White House. It's a little smarter than your average action flick but it goes back to its rated R roots. Showing lots of blood, a swearing up the wazoo. It has a few twists in it, and some conflicts end a tad different than you except. The acting is sub-par, no one really stands out or does anything new. Loud action, quite talking. I was a little annoyed that I had to keep adjusting the volume for deafening action scenes to whispers during the dialog parts. Turning on the captions because I can't hear the actor shouldn't happen. Over all I enjoyed it, it's worth a rental. You know what you are getting with this kind of movie and you shouldn't expect much more. Check it out.
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