Monday, September 30, 2013

Breaking Bad Series Finale Review/Series Retrospective

Ugh. Where do I even begin? In my previous write up of an episode of Breaking Bad from Season 5, I stated that this is by far my favorite show ever. Not only is that still the truth, it is absolutely the best show I have ever watched. No other show has had me this hooked, made me want more, and made me want to re watch it so damn much. I watched the finale last night, I then ended up watching the last 15 minutes before I went to sleep, and watched it again today when my Mom got home. To still get chills and goosebumps after seeing how the show ends three times, knowing EXACTLY what is going to says something about how great this show truly was.

Think about how this show starts off. You find out Walt has lung cancer. At that time he's a extremely smart family man who is doing everything he can to basically pay the bills and take care of the family. To see how much the man changed in the span of 5 seasons (or a couple years show wise...yeah. It wasn't that much time.) it's mind blowing. This show is the only show that comes to mind that I can't say "Oh, that season dragged." or "That episode was fucking AWFUL!" The only episode I can do without is The Fly. Even that episode isn't bad! Vince Gilligan is a fucking genius. 

"Look at me, I'm better than you."

Not only did you see the change in Walt, you saw how much Jesse grew, how much Hank grew, how much Walt Jr. loved breakfast! What more could you want from a show? It's heartbreaking that I even have to write this...I wish this show was still on going. However, I am SO fucking thankful that they ended it how/when they did. They could have easily dragged the show out for another 3-4 seasons, but they didn't. I wish more shows would take a note from Breaking Bad and end on a high note, and not drag it out for far too long. So for that, I say thank you very much.

Now on to the episode. I thought it was an absolutely beautiful way to end Breaking Bad. First of all, I predicted a few things that were going to happen (the obvious, of course.) but even the things I predicted, I didn't come close to how they were going to happen. I was also happily surprised that my prediction of Jesse dying didn't come true. I'm so happy he made it out alive, he absolutely deserved to live on. I'm also SO fucking happy that he was the one to take out Todd...because fuck Todd. 

"I hate you so much, Todd. But this picture rules."

That's another thing I'd like to touch on, the ability this show had to make you love and hate characters, and then love the characters you hate, and hate the ones that you loved. Take shows like Dexter for example. There were characters that were just SOOOOO fucking annoying and unlikable, that it made it damn near impossible to care about what was happening. It wasn't the way you'd want your audience to dislike a character, it was a "go away, why are you here?" kind of hate. Breaking Bad did it right. On they very same episode of Breaking Bad, I knew I hated Walt. But for a split second, they had me loving him and rooting for him again...but within the span of a minute they gave me a reason to hate him again...and I was like..oh yeah, Walt's a piece of shit.

But lets get back to the episode, shall we? Just seeing the final couple of days of Walt's life was fantastic. Finally hearing him admit to Skyler that he loved doing what he did, and admitting that he was good at it...that was so fucking good. Seeing him set up how he was going to kill the Skinheads was so bad ass...basically everything about this episode was great. We got closure, everything that needed to happen...happened. Walt took out anyone who could possibly continue on cooking his meth outside of his partner, Jesse. Jesse also not taking Walt's orders anymore and making Walt die slowly was a great fuck you as well. 

The way Walt died was beautiful. Him alone with his babies, that's how it should have been done. The song choice was fabulous as well, it was just perfect. My guess is that Jesse goes and takes care of Brock and tries to finally live the life that he deserves. Thank you so much, Breaking Bad. No other show has made this big of an impact on me. Thankfully we all have Saul's spin-off/prequel to look forward YAAAAAAY!

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