Monday, March 25, 2013

Eureka Series Review

Eureka is one of those show that I kept putting off. When it first came out I was intrigued but never watched it. I don't remember why I didn't watch it, but I was happy to see if on Netflix. All but the last season, so I had to torrent that one. Don't look at me like that! I'm paying for a streaming site and they don't have all the seasons of a show, what am I suppose to do? Wait? Pssh, whatever.

What is Eureka? It's a science fiction show that takes place in a town called Eureka, were the world's best scientist all live and work for Global Dynamics to develop tomorrows technology. And something is always going wrong. It's a near perfect blend of comedy, drama,and sci-fi. Your main character is the every-man Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson), a US Marshal appointed new town sheriff after an accident incapacitated the old one. Jack gives the show the dumbed down talk you some times need for the science/technobable they spue. I am a fan of science and learning things, so a lot of the time when they used their science speak, I actually understood it. Most of it deals in theory, but in the show they have put it into practice. I remember one episode with they are talking about an experiment where they could discover the Higgs Boson particle, and it's going blow up the town unless the contain it. In real life,the Higgs Boson was just discovered, about four years after that episode aired and all that happened was the news tried to explain what it was and the best they could do was dub it the "God Particle." But this is good, it means the show isn't completely full of shit. It is basic somewhere in reality.

The humor makes this show watchable when things get dumb in a few episodes. That only helps a little when the plot get so far fetched that it's tough to swallow, I am speaking mainly of the time travel episodes. You will get attached to the characters, like Henry, Fargo, Jo, Stark, and the new ones they add near the end. They will tug at the heart strings a bit. My favorite character for a while was Dr. Nathan Stark.We was short with people, a smart ass, he saved the day a lot and I loved it. He was later replaced as my favorite by Wil Wheaton's character Dr. Parrish, just a fucking dick. So Awesome. Douglas Fargo (Neil Grayston), on the other hand, was the weak link for me. We was the comic relief for the show that didn't really need it. A lot of stuff breaks or fucks up because of him. I remember the episode when my thoughts of him turned south. It was a clip show episode (Yes, they have a shitty flash back episode) but they do it in a different way, with using technology to record peoples memories for a time capsule. Then Fargo fucks with the code to change all the memories of him in the database so only good memories are left but it starts erasing peoples actual memories outside the machine. This is like season 3, and this dude does these horrible things, cost millions, if not, billions of dollars worth of damage. I would have fired his ass a long time ago, and thrown him in jail for terrorism of a small town. But no, he gets a slap on the wrist and an "Oh that Fargo! Wah Waaa, Derp" moment instead. To the credit of the writers though, they turned his character around after that and made me actually like him. He even dates Felicia Day's character. I wanna date Felicia Day.

There are a lot of great episodes with a bunch of mediocre ones thrown in so you don't get spoiled. I thoroughly enjoyed this show. And if you enjoy shows like Star Trek, Sherlock, and Big Bang Theory, you'll like this one. Also, unlike some other programs, it actually has an ending, so you aren't left feeling empty knowing it's cancelled going in. Fours stars, easy from me. Go watch it! 

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