Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bates Motel Series Premiere Review

So tonight was the premiere of the new A&E series, Bates Motel. I honestly JUST heard about this show a couple of days ago while browsing ON DEMAND. I was a tad skeptical at first, considering this is a prequel to a classic Horror movie, and we've all seen how horrible prequels/remakes/sequels to classic horror movies can be. Look at The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it's had so many horrible sequels, a shitty remake, and a shittier prequel to the remake. So I think it was quite fair for me to not go into this with the highest of hopes. I was happily surprised by what I saw.

Now I will forewarn you, I do intend on spoiling a decent bit of the episode. If you have plans on watching the show, I would suggest watching it before you read anymore. With that being said, let's get into the episode. It starts off with Norman Bates finding his father dead. He is obviously very upset by this, but when he tells his Mother to come and see, she just seems more concerned for Norman, and doesn't seem to care too much that her Husband is dead. HMMMM...INTERESTING. We are then taken 6 months after this, where his Mother Norma surprises Norman with their new House and Motel. We also get to see their strong relationship, as they clearly love each other quite a bit.

We are also introduced to a love interest for Norman, Bradley. (Yes, Bradley is a woman, you jerks.) This is when you truly realize how things are quite different. Norman Bates has an iPhone. Yes...NORMAN BATES HAS A FUCKING IPHONE! I don't really mind that this show takes place WAAAY after the original movie came out and is still a prequel, it's just quite strange seeing him using an iPhone. It's interesting to see what would be viewed as the "cool" girl seemingly showing real interest in Norman. We also find out she apparently has a boyfriend, so we'll see where that goes. Another girl, Emma, who has an oxygen tank, seems to be another love interest. Good job, Norman!

Norman is outside doing some straightening up, when a member of the family who used to own the place before it foreclosed, shows up. He is REALLY pissed off, he wants what he feels is his. The fact that these people are living in "his property" clearly doesn't sit well with him. Later we see Bradley and her group of friends, trying to convince Norma to let Norman go "study at the library", but she says no, even though Norman clearly wants to. He has a fit, and sneaks out, but they end up going to a club and party. Also kind of strange to see. But what Norman doesn't know is that the man who wants what is his has come back while he is away. He breaks in and begins to attack and rape Norma. Norman comes home before it's too late to help his mother. The man drives Norma over the edge, leading to her stabbing him to death. This is clearly one of the major events in shaping who Norman becomes. There's also a scene where two cops show up, making us believe one of the cops is a love interest for Norma. This was more of a "let's add suspense, even though we all know nothing bad will happen" scene. The cops clearly weren't going to find the body.

There was still a bit more in the episode, but I feel like I covered the important stuff. (I also just don't feel like spoiling EVERYTHING, but Norman found a book.)  Oh wait, Norman has a brother...he's kind of a dick. But seriously, this was a really solid start to this series. I especially enjoyed Vera Farmiga as Norma. I honestly am very excited to see where they go next. (Yeah, I know where we end up going, but I'm excited for the ride before all of that...dick.) The relationship between Norma and Norman is both very strong, and very strange. I really can't wait to see next weeks episode. Check it out!

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