Monday, April 8, 2013

Tucker & Dale vs Evil Review

I chose not to put in the IMDB info for this movie because if you haven't seen this movie, I don't want to give too much away. With that being said, here are some of my thoughts on this movie. It's kind of sad to think that the best Horror films coming out these days are all Comedies. Including The Cabin in the Woods and of course this movie. There are not really any movies that are both good and have those "Wow, that freaked the shit out of me" moments. With that being said, I do REALLY enjoy a great, funny Horror movie.

This is absolutely one of those types of movies. I didn't really know what this movie was about the first time I saw it, but within the first 5 minutes I knew what it was going to be like, and I was in love. It's just so damn funny, enjoyable, has some heart warming moments, and a really hot chick! I've now seen this movie 3 times, and have enjoyed it every time.

Like I mentioned earlier, it sucks that there really aren't many good, scary, well made horror films. But if movies like this is what we can expect when it comes to the more comedic type of horror film, I'm really looking forward to it. I didn't want to give too much away, because the less you know before seeing this movie, the better. It is on the Netflix Instant Queue, so give it a look.

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