Monday, April 29, 2013

Our Kickstarter for Video Reviews!

Back Our Kickstarter!

That's right, we launched a Kickstarter! We have 15 rewards to choose from and you'll get video us regularly for free! From our Kickstarter:

"We LOVE movies! The Movie Knights is a movie reviewing podcast. I've described it as like when Daniel Tosh goes over movies on his show Tosh.0 and spoils everything, only less racist. Dan, Bobby, and myself (Josh) host this weekly show and review usually new to dvd/blu-ray films. Now, podcasts are well and good, and we love our listeners, but we want to be bigger. So we need to take the next step, and that step is videos. Trouble is that making videos costs money. Money we don't have. We would love to get paid to do this but we don't.

Our dream is a multi hd camera type show, with high quality audio, great lighting, and the editing to bring it all together. We need web space for hosting, and hard drives to hold our videos. We want to offer our videos free for anyone to watch, just like our podcast. While occasionally making skits or parodies of movies. It has taken up until now for us to need to ask for help.
I have been making videos since I was in high school, and that was 10 years ago... geez I'm old. And making podcasts for about 3+ years. I have had that feeling of always being one step behind my goals due to lack of funding. With your backing you can help build a podcast into a webshow and hopefully into the network I see in the future!"

So back us if you can, share it, tweet it, like it, We Need The Help!

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