Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Movie of the Week: Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel

"Hanging at a local pub, Ray, Pete, and Toby meet a lovely young woman who claims to be a time traveler from the future. As she spins her wild tale, the skeptical Pete stumbles into a time portal--in the pub's toilet--and sets off a wild adventure that results in a comedic crisis of mistaken identities, close calls, romance and anarchy--with the future of mankind at stake." - HBO Go.

So I was recently watching an episode of Game of Thrones on my Kindle Fire through my HBO Go app and I thought; "What other stuff is on here?" A quick search through their movies and I found this film. I had never heard of it. I never saw a trailer, read a review, or even knew who was in it. I only knew the title and the description you see above. But I was sold because I love time travel stories. And this movie is funny. I think I enjoyed it more because I never heard of it and went in blind. Sure Anna Faris is in it, but I didn't know that until I saw the opening credits. That had me worried that it would be a shitty comedy, a bad parody, or worse; feature a lot of Anna Faris's bad acting. But she is barely in this movie and she doesn't do a bad job or make me want to stab myself in the eyes at all this time around. It's a British comedy, and co-presented by the BBC as well as HBO. It's a location movie where they stay in one place the whole time but done in a way that doesn't feel like it. As well as you can actually feel like these guys are friends and feel like friends I have. It's not over the top and it doesn't leave you feeling like you wasted your time. The effects aren't bad either.

The trailer below is only if you need further help pushing you to want to watch the movie. I recommend going into to it with out watch it, but to each's own. It's fun, different, a nice story, and very enjoyable. Not the best, but good. Check it out if you have HBO Go, or buy the dvd on Amazon. (Remember, if you have HBO from your cable provider, you have access to HBO Go as well. It's included.)

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