Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Movie of the Week: Bully

So it's time for another movie of the week, which can only mean one thing....ANOTHER DOCUMENTARY! I'm sticking to my little trend of suggesting a documentary on Netflix, and this week we have a really emotional one. Instead of just recommending this to you, I'm kind of going to go into detail talking about this movie.

First of all, I have been bullied. I'm not the first person to get bullied, and I'm surely not the last person to get bullied. Getting picked on at school was one of the many reasons why I decided to get in trouble and do the best I could to avoid school at all costs. This also lead me to treating other kids like crap, because I thought that would some how make me "cooler". It's really fucking stupid, and I regret how I behaved in Jr. High and High School. No one deserves to be treated like they don't matter, to be name called constantly in a very serious manner, or to be physically attacked by others for absolutely no reason. Being picked on yourself isn't a reason to mess with others who did nothing at all wrong to you.

Now as far as this film goes, it's very sad and at times gets hard to watch. I'll just warn you right off the bat, if you're a really emotional person who doesn't like movies that will make you feel depressed, this is NOT the movie for you. As a person who has both depression and anxiety issues, this movie really bummed me out. There were times when someone would do or say something, so I would pause the movie and just yell at the screen "PEOPLE ARE FUCKING TERRIBLE! I HATE EVERYONE!" This is one of those movies that makes you lose hope in humanity. Both because the parents raising these children did a terrible job, the teachers and other staff at the schools are doing a terrible job, and the children themselves are ass holes.

There is one kid in particular that I really felt bad for. He's literally just trying to make a friend on the school bus, when the other kid tells him that he's going to cut his face off and kill him. Yeah. This actually happened. Just seeing what this kid has to go through every day at school, just because of the way he looks, is really sad. It even leads to his younger sister saying she gets made fun of due to her being related to him. That's just fucked up.

Even in my recent years I've been a huge ass hole to people, most of whom didn't deserve it. I feel like I've made some really good strides and have tried to treat others how I'd like to be treated. I now choose to bull shit and joke around, and not be a ruthless dick head to people for no reason. This movie really showed me how much you can really mess up someone's life just by treating them so poorly. It also showed me that people really should do a better job raising their children. Seriously, it shouldn't be hard to tell them not to be a such a fucking dick to other children.

This movie isn't for everybody, but I think it's really worth a watch. It is on Netflix right now, so check it out!

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