Monday, April 15, 2013

Hit And Run Review

"Former getaway driver Charlie Bronson jeopardizes his Witness Protection Plan identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los Angeles. The feds and Charlie's former gang chase them on the road." - IMDB

I saw the preview for this movie wasn't sure what to make of it. I had no desire to see it in theater bur when it came to redbox I got it. Dax Shepard plays a guy in witness protection, his girl friend (played by Kristen Bell) get a job offer but has to move for it. Rather than lose his girlfriend, Dax decides to brake protocall and leave to take his girlfriend to her interview. Her Ex boyfriend  played by Michael Rosenbaum fears that Dax is going to kill her, fallows them, find out his real name and uses that info to inform the criminal that Dax is hiding from where he is. This leads to some crazy car chases and some nice driving.

Dax Shepard wrote and co-directed this movie and I gotta say, I enjoyed it. The humor was right up my alley and the writing was pretty good. The car chases were really fun and it has a great comedic cast. Dax really shines in this movie. There is not much to say about it, other than it's a solid 3 star movie and worth your time to check out.

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