It's time again for another movie review. The other night I posted on Facebook, saying that there were so many shitty horror movies to choose from on the Netflix Instant Queue. This lead to a couple people suggesting that I watch the film "Rubber". I had heard of it a while back, had it in my Instant Queue for months and months without any real motivation to watch this film, but I'm pretty happy that I did. This isn't your run of the mill horror movie. It's very over the top, it's can be really funny at times, and I can honestly say I did not predict anything that was going to happen until at least half way in. By the title alone you just assume it's a movie about a killer Tire, but there's quite a bit more to it than that, which I will not go into details to keep this spoiler free. There were times where this movie did drag, but not so much that I just hated watching it. It's a really silly and fun movie to watch if you've got nothing better to do and have a Netflix account. Check it out!
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