Monday, September 2, 2013

Olympus Has Fallen Review

"Disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack; using his inside knowledge, Banning works with national security to rescue the President from his kidnappers." -

The prequel to White House Down. Lawls. Ok, not an original joke, everyone has made that comparison but I honestly had them confused. I seriously thought it was going to be Channing Tatum guarding Morgan Freeman as president. When it began with Gerard Butler hanging out with Aaron Eckhart and Ashley Judd, I was confused for a second. And Morgan Freeman doesn't show up til a quarter of the way in.

 I'm Not In The Movie.

The movie opens with the fall of Gerard's character as he fails to save the first lady in a car accident. I thought it was going to be something more, like it was caused by something but I was wrong. Now he's a desk jockey, pushing pencils for some chick. And bam, the North Koreans attack. And Gerard runs in to save the day. Saving a little boy, then the president, and over all, the world from another war. Loads of bad guys and Secret Service guys die in the process.

"Can you read this list of Chuck Norris facts, Mr. Freeman?"

There is not a whole lot to say about this movie. Is it Die Hard in the White House. It's a little smarter than your average action flick but it goes back to its rated R roots. Showing lots of blood, a swearing up the wazoo. It has a few twists in it, and some conflicts end a tad different than you except. The acting is sub-par, no one really stands out or does anything new. Loud action, quite talking. I was a little annoyed that I had to keep adjusting the volume for deafening action scenes to whispers during the dialog parts. Turning on the captions because I can't hear the actor shouldn't happen. Over all I enjoyed it, it's worth a rental. You know what you are getting with this kind of movie and you shouldn't expect much more. Check it out.

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